The collection of James Johns materials at the Vermont Historical Society is reported to be the largest collection of Johns' work. The collection includes his weather journals and diaries, letters, short stories, poetry, newspapers, essays, and local history which are either pen printed or hand written. His longer works are often bound into hand sewn pamphlets with letter press title pages. Johns' pen printed output is unique and the pen printed items in the collection are noted in the inventory. The pen printed items include an issue of his newspaper, Remarker and Independent Review, Huntington, June 27, 1833, probably a predecessor of the Vermont Autograph and Remarker, as well as several short stories, many poems, and local history. Johns' weather journals from 1823-1873 and a collection of approximately 25 of his short stories occupy a substantial part of the collection. Johns' poetry, most of which he wrote to memorialize the deceased, occupies five folders (MS61A: 12-16). Although Johns carried on a lively correspondence, there are only a few of his letters or those from his correspondents in the collections (MS61:1). In 1828 Johns had a book of his poetry published, The Green Mountain Muse: or Original Poetry on Various Subjects. According to Vail's bibliography the copy in this collection may be the only copy extant.